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N. V. Organon Oss, Holandsko

Brand: N. V. Organon Oss, Holandsko Model: 67
Trade Names: Deca, Deca-Durabolin, Nandrolone PhenylpropionateChemical Names: NandroloneRoutes: Intramuscular InjectionHalf-life: NPP 3 days / Decanoate 10-15 DaysIn 1983 Nandrolone was approved by the FDA for the treatment of variety of medical conditions including metastatic breast cancer in w..
Brand: N. V. Organon Oss, Holandsko Model: 58
 Trade Names: hCG, Ovidrel, Pregnyl Chemical Names: Gonadotrophin Routes: Intramuscular or Subcutaneous Human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) is a glycoprotein hormone produced during pregnancy in humans. I was first discovered in 1920 and later sold under prescription to the market..
Brand: N. V. Organon Oss, Holandsko Model: 56
Terapeutické využitie:substitucná terapia pri mužskom hypogonadizme, pri endokrinne podmienenej impotencii a niektorých poruchách spermatogenézy, osteoporóza spôsobená nedostatkom androgénov.Popis:Testosterón undecaonate známy pod obchodným názvom:Orálny:UndestorUndestor je jedným z mála nových ster..
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